Thanks so much for stopping by, just wanted to welcome you and show you around if you're wondering what you can find here on my blog. If you'd like to know more about me or get in touch with me, click here.
Pig and Dac are the pseudo names for my two boys, who are 5 and 3. This is my personal blog and it's a blog for moms; I have three different categories: Mommying, Homeschooling, and Blogging.
Most readers have found me from sites like Huffington and Scary Mommy where I've shared personal and relatable stories on motherhood. These are my top viewed posts:
You Won't Remember, But I Will
10 Horrific Things I've Been Forced to Say As a Mom of Boys
8 Lessons I've Learned in 12 Years of Marriage
8 Reasons to Not Get Pregnant Again
Useful Resources
I have a free printables library which I keep stocked with things like meal planning sheets, cleaning schedules, blogging resources, toddler meal ideas, a mommy detox plan, and preschool organization printables. I add new freebies every month and my subscribers get exclusive access to this library.
I also wrote a personal development book, Anything Can Be: A Reference Guide for Applying the Law of Attraction, Overcoming Common Blocks, & Staying in Alignment to Create the Life of Your Dreams. It comes with 9 printable worksheets to keep you focused and in alignment with yourself. You can check that out here.
Blogging Tips
Blogging is a topic that I can talk about for days, and so I will frequently write about my findings and experience from blogging for the last 5 years. My top views posts on blogging are:
Everything You Need to Start a WordPress Blog
5 Common Blogging Crimes No Blogger Should Commit
How I Got on the Huffington Post
Mini Tour
These are the main categories you can access on my blog:
I hope you stay in touch – you can follow Pig & Dac on Facebook & Pinterest, my two favorite hang out spots. Find me on Instagram as well. If you love inspiration and spiritual growth, I also write at jessicadimas.com, where my topics are self-care, spirituality, and motherhood.
Thank you for stopping by!