Are you a Stay at home mom or a Working Mom?
I am a stay at home mom.
What made you come to that decision?
I hadn't planned on it because I didn't think it was financially possible for us. My goal was to only work part time after Piggie turned three months but when that time came, I just couldn't do it. I talked with Luis and we decided we would have to come up with another plan (him getting two jobs at the time!).
Was your mom a stay at home mom or working mom?
For most of my life, she was a working mom, although when I was really young she was home on and off, or would work part time or 3rd shift.
How old are your children?
I have a 3.5 and a 1.5 year old.
Are you part of any mom groups/play groups?
A few months after I became a SAHM, I realized how isolating it could be, so I found some first time mom groups on meetup.com and from there I was introduced to a local breastfeeding group as well. Since having my second child, I haven't really been involved in any mommy groups, not as much as I was with Piggie, but I have hung out with a few select moms that I became close with from my original mommy groups. They are all on their second babies as well so it works out perfectly when we hang out!
Did you always know you wanted to be a SAHM?
I always envisioned being home with my kids. I don't remember caring or knowing that my mom worked when I was really little, but I do remember when I was between the ages of 8-13 really wishing she was home when I came home from school. I think that's what has always made me want to be a SAHM.
How long do you plan to stay at home?
For quite awhile! I plan on homeschooling, so there will be that. I do think about getting a part time job in my field just for the fun of it when they are older.
Did you go to school before becoming a stay at home mom?
Yes, I have a psychology degree.
If you worked before having children, do you miss it?
There are some aspects I miss, but for the most part, no. I do miss having my own little routine to myself with daily tasks at work that I can cross off a list and feel accomplished. Being a SAHM you don't get to experience that feeling very often; I mean, I can clean the kitchen and feel awesome but then Dacky walks through it covered in sand. But I don't miss bosses, commutes, schedule requirements, annoying coworkers or having to dole out any type of customer service!
What was your job/career before you became a mom?
I was an advocate (social worker, pretty much) for domestic violence victims at Sojourner Center, the country's largest domestic violence shelter. We sheltered women and their children and helped them get back on their feet. I worked third shift the entire time I was there and for the most part, I really enjoyed it.
Do you have a daily routine or just go with the flow day by day?
We follow a routine very loosely. As in, we wake up and eat breakfast, play, eat, nap, eat, play, eat, bath, eat, sleep (wow and I wasn't even kidding about the eating times, these boys like to eat!). These days I have them on the same nap schedule since Dacky only takes one nap, so usually they nap around 12:30, but sometimes Dacky might take his nap at 11. So we just go with the flow and aren't rigid about the times that things happen.
Do you keep up with the housework or is it shared with your husband/partner?
I do most of the housework, but if I don't get a chance to pick up the house or whatever he will help if he can. My chores are the basic dishes/cook/laundry/vacuum/dust/mop/declutter. His are managing the money and bills, mowing the front and back yard, taking the trash out, maintaining the cars, and bringing home the bacon!
Do you do anything on the side to earn extra money? If so what?
If you consider the extra 64 cents a month I make on Amazon associates as side money, then yeah, I earn lots of extra cash! Bahahaha. Just kidding. I do make a small amount from blogging but that's it.
What is one thing you love about being a SAHM mom?
Even though it can be hard and monotonous, I love being the one who is with my kids all day. And I also love our mornings, they're very slow and usually peaceful (minus the begging for food every two minutes); they watch cartoons or play in the yard while I make breakfast and coffee (and coffee is always my favorite time of the day!).
What is one thing you hate about being a SAHM mom?
The days can feel really long and it can be lonely. I think that's why so many moms get accused of looking at their phones too much but it's because Facebook and Instagram is like our office breakroom where we can socialize with coworkers and catch up with everyone. It's one of the only places we get to have adult conversations and interact with the outside world!
What "kind" of mom are you (SAHM, Working Mom, WAHM) and how do you love about it?
I enjoyed this entire post. My favorite part?? "I think that’s why so many moms get accused of looking at their phones too much but it’s because Facebook and Instagram is like our office breakroom where we can socialize with coworkers and catch up with everyone." I don't feel like I need too much validation...but this did make me feel better about being online. It really is like the office breakroom. I had NEVER thought of it that way. Thanks. 🙂
Jessica Dimas
Yes, right?! I mean everyone needs some relaxed adult conversation, but where do SAHM's find it??? On Facebook and Instagram! If it's not overdone to where we feel like crap, it can really help us not feel so alone. It's nice to check in every few hours for that mental social break that every adult needs!
I'd love to learn more about life as a WAHM. I'm going part time 2 months after my maternity leave is over and am curious how momas make it work.
Jessica Dimas
Hi Lynn,
Since writing this I've definitely felt like I've sort of become a WAHM with publishing a book and running to websites. But I didn't do this when I had a newborn so I know that would be an entirely different ballgame! I hope you find some WAHM's who have done this with very little ones.