I thought I'd write an update on how preschool has been going for us. We started right after Labor Day weekend, so it's been about 3 weeks. Such a short time but such significant changes for us that I just had to write a post about it.
Just to recap, I tried preschool last year and was going about it from an in-school preschool mindset, like I wanted to set up a 2 hour slot of time three days a week where we'd do things in a similar fashion and sequence. Yeah no, that lasted less than 20 minutes.
This time, I thought about it more realistically. I was listening to a homeschooling podcast and they were saying that up until your kids are in 5th grade, schooling doesn't take more than 2 hours a day to complete (so outside preschool being only two hours would mean it'd be way less time to complete at home). I realized that a lot of the time spent in preschool is geared towards working with 10+ kids at one time. There's a lot of waiting, lining up, different kids being taken to the potty, PLAYING, etc. The actual preschool "work" isn't much time at all.
So my new plan this year was to schedule 1-2 activities 5 days a week (we skip a day sometimes, obvs), with no activity taking too long to complete, and it has been going AMAZING.
My 4 year old loves crafts, reading books, singing songs, and generally being introduced to new things. My 2 year old really isn't ready for the crafts, but he loves books and songs (he's more of a tag-along).
So here's how it's been going.
My vision of preschool vs reality
In my fantasies, both boys, or at least my 4 year old, really get into the activities. I flit around the boys, warmly praising their efforts and stepping in when they ask for my help. Sometimes I'm even wearing an apron and baking a homemade goodie in the background to serve after preschool is done.
In reality, both boys definitely have invisible timers above their heads that go off after just a few minutes. Dacky, the 2 year old, can last like 5 minutes. Piggie can last longer but he does start to get antsy and loud. I spend a longer amount of time preparing an activity sometimes compared to the amount of time they actually spend doing it (I'm sure I'll get better at that and develop some kind of system). I lose my patience at times and have to refrain from trying to control every aspect because YOU DON'T COLOR A CAKE BLACK, but I'm learning to let him color the cake black if he wants to, and every other page black as well. My inner perfectionist is dying a slow death.
I'm letting go of high-ish expectations and learning to accept the fact that they will be hyper, they won't do things how they're supposed to, they'll be done with it before it's actually done, they may not even actually try, I may be the one who ends up doing most of the project and not them, etc.
It's all okay. They are having fun and learning, that's all that matters.
Changes in the boys
I was not really expecting this since we've been doing such small activities, but my husband noticed and commented that the kids are acting so different now!
Not like they weren't happy before, but they seem happier. We hear them singing the preschool songs to themselves and they (my 4 year old especially) asks a lot of questions after certain activities we've done. In the moment while doing the activity, it seems to me like he really isn't paying attention or doesn't have much interest, but hours or days later, he asks questions about it.
Changes in our relationship
Another change I wasn't expecting is how much we've been bonding over these little activities! I'm not sure what it is, but once we've done an activity or read a certain book, lots of things pop up in our daily life that create more conversation because it reiterates what we're learning about. I didn't even think I'd have fun doing that, but I am.
I've been finding myself surprisingly anxious to "do preschool" every day and look forward to it. The boys ask almost daily to do preschool and when I ask them if they want to do a craft, they both come running into the kitchen squealing "yesss!" I just find that all three of us enjoy this time together, even if they make me frazzled and I lose my cool...we're all learning together, that's for sure.
So yes, two benefits I wasn't even expecting. I'm loving it, we're having a lot of fun, I'm learning to let go of a Pinterest-perfect ideal that's in my head and just enjoy it as it is.
What I've learned so far after one month of homeschool preschool is:
- don't try to copy an outside preschool schedule
- small activities coupled with books is perfect
- the Pinterest preschool photos are made for Pinterest re-pins, not as a real reflection of what preschool at home actually looks like (it's not that perfect looking, trust me)
- there's a million different ways to preschool out there (traditional, Montessori, Waldorf, etc) - don't let that freeze you up. Just do what looks fun, what's important to you, and what you think your child would enjoy.
- you don't have to have the patience of Job to preschool your kids or in order for them to enjoy it. My boys are proof of that! I'm psycho-mommy and they still love it!
Chelsea @ Life With My Littles
I'm so glad that you are all loving it! I love the pictures you've been posting on Instagram, it looks like a lot of fun! I'm planning on starting next year and I am so excited about it now! Your excitement has rubbed off on me!
Jessica Dimas
Thanks Chelsea! Awww I'm so excited for you to start next year too! I can already see all the cute posts you'll be doing since you're already so crafty 🙂 It's so fun, you're gonna love it.
Jennifer Bly
I loved your update! It sounds like everything is clicking with you!
I love your point about the time it takes to teach. People sometimes look like they're going to pass out when I tell them I accomplish all of Grace's schooling for the day in a 2-3 hour time frame. It's so different when you're out of the classroom element. There are less interruptions, less children to be catered to, less learning styles for the teacher to maneuver around, etc.
Loved this - way to go mama!
Jessica Dimas
Yes!! When my non-homeschooling friends have asked how the heck am I going to be able to handle homeschooling all day, I was worried myself because I was thinking...I have NO idea how I'll be able to pull that off. The relief that washed over me when I found out it only takes a few hours was huge lol. And so when I thought about it, I was like "heck, preschool shouldn't even take more than an hour at home!". It's just been so much more enjoyable, I'm loving it 🙂 Thanks Jennifer <3
Tiffany @ A Touch of Grace
Wow! I'm so glad it's going well! And I love that the boys enjoy crafts and it's creating a better bond with you three. And I agree, school doesn't need to take all day. That is a definite plus about homeschooling.
Jessica Dimas
Thanks Tiffany! Yes, that's such a huge plus with homeschooling, one that makes it feasible for me to even do it lol, I know I couldn't hang for more than a few hours.
Mrs. AOK
I'm so glad things are going well for you and your boys! I loved homeschooling my babies. I miss it.
Jessica Dimas
Thank you!! It's encouraging to hear that you loved homeschooling, I hope the practice this year with preschool stuff helps me to be more prepared next year when I start my oldest one in kindergarten 🙂
This is everything I am experiencing right now and I thought I was alone in being a psycho control freak mom or dying over the Pinterest curriculums where nothing seems actually doable but beautiful still ..and oscillating between this craft is useless and my kid is missing on stuff..whew! It's been a journey.. homeschooling my 3 year old with no outside support as homeschooling is neither popular nor common in India. So lovely reading your blog! Thank you!