Hiii! Happy almost July. I love doing a monthly goals post, but I wanted to start recording additional things in these posts, like any blocks I had last month and what I "manifested" in the last month as well, and then share my goals for this month.
I don't know if many of you have noticed that I added a new topic in my nav bar a few months back called Manifesting. So just to clarify what I mean by that word: things or experiences that come into your reality because you intended it! I'm a HUGE believer in the Law of Attraction theory, call it what you may; thoughts become things, what you feel is what you create, your reality is a reflection of your beliefs, you can attract whatever you want, etc. So I thought I would share here every month things I might've manifested in the last 30 days or any signs that I saw which indicate my intention is about to become reality!
You guys...I'm going to start being more "woo woo" on here. Cause I am a total believer-in-all-things-possible nerdlet behind closed doors and I can't hide it any longer!
Money - I had a huge money hurdle block this month. Some things felt unsettled and unknown with a situation Luis was facing at work. I let myself feel panic and fear and mentally took myself back to the days when we struggled financially or had financial crises, and I could feel the old feelings of constant worry and shame. I spent a weekend worrying about the unknown and feeling like my thoughts were just out of control. I decided to just read inspiring material every night and count the things I was grateful for in that moment and to just breathe. A few days after that, I wrote down new money goals that were big and asking for a lot given that our current situation seemed pretty doomed. BUT decided that I would ask (the Universe/God), see it in my mind and believe it, and things began shifting in less than two days you guuuuys!!
Complaining - I have a real addiction to it. And it never brings me good things, surprisingly.
San Diego - I had already been to San Diego the month before, and the LA two weeks before that, and in Mexico right after, but I had San Diego on the mind again and then there I was again!
Signs of money - because of the job issue with Luis and my beginning to visualize abundance and wealth, it was like less than 48 hours later that we started receiving different news, offers, and even actual, unexpected money. I'm so happy I didn't give in..at first I was going to take the news we got as factual and just roll with the punches, prepare for the worst, etc. But then I remembered that, NO, I don't have to accept this reality! It's not the way I want to feel, so I made up my mind to NOT feel that way and almost immediately began experiencing a different reality which made me feel safe and excited.
- FINISH BOOK. Please please please I beg of myself to finish it! I'm actually done but still need to flesh it out a bit and do a for real edit before I send it off to an editor! For some reason, I'm stalling on all of this. I think nerves are taking over.
- Stay in alignment: breathe, visualize my dreams (I have 3 right now), feel so good that I get a huge grin on my face when I imagine them, think of at least 10 things I'm so grateful for that day, and read inspiring material before going to sleep. I didn't do this hardly at all this past month I did not like the reality I stepped into.
- Don't get sucked into my phone.
- Assume the best in others.
- Be kinder.
- Enjoy my family more.
- (Cut my hair up to my shoulders...no one tell Luis!). He likes long hair but I'm just feeling the short hair movement!
- FINISH BOOK. Follow deadline schedule.
Things you should be happy about this month: 4th of July fireworks, time with family, cookouts, splash pads, summer date nights, tan lines, sandy toddlers, weekends, new month, fresh start, blank slate.
What are your plans for July?
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom
I love having clear goals and expectations. As a Christian, I'm a firm believer that miracles don't happen unless we believe them to happen. Believing and thankfully expecting is the cornerstone of faith. It takes practice though. Especially for me because like you, I can get sucked into the circumstance and I momentarily forget I believe in a God that's far greater than any circumstance I may face.
You've got this book thing Jessica, I know you do. Keep at it friend! I'm cheering you on!
Tomorrow is Canada Day and we still don't have our plans firmed up. Every year my in-laws would host a big BBQ with games and prizes but this year other family members weren't hopping excited about the idea (partially because Canada Day is on a Wednesday and they would have to go to work on Thursday) so they're not having a celebration!
My hubby and I are now undecided because there are so many events going on in and around the city... we're not sure which one to choose. We'll definitely do something fun though!
I can't believe tomorrow is July. 14 days until my youngest turns four. I think I'll cry now!
Wishing you a lovely day.
Jessica Dimas
Yes, so many religions teach the same thing on believing before receiving! It takes so much practice!!! Especially for worry warts. My husband naturally has faith in anything he wants, while I have to purposely intend to have faith and recenter myself daily. I hope you and Evan find something fun to do!! And take Instagram pics too ? And I will cry with you when your littlest turns 4, that just isn't right!! Thank you for your awesome comment xo
I totally noticed the new "Manifesting" tab.
We used to have pretty major money struggles and things are a lot better now (but still hard sometimes) but I still have nightmares about how it used to be. I do find that if I ask the universe for money, it comes. It's not like lottery tickets - but it's opportunities. I have to work for them, but.. I like working. So yay!
I think you'll look great with the short hair movement. I haven't joined that movement in 15 years, but hey, it grows back if I don't like it.
Jessica Dimas
Yes!! I think that's usually how it usually shows up, in the form of opportunities. Fun opportunities, but opportunities nonetheless 🙂 Ideas or inspiration are other common ones for me!
I think you look great with long hair. Plus your hair is on the amazing side! And yes, it can always grow back!
The law of attraction is your jam girl! I love hearing how it's manifesting in your daily life. So glad things are looking up and the book.....oh girl the book. You have got this! Do not be afraid or nervous. You are a great writer and I, for one, cannot wait to read it!
Jessica Dimas
Thank you Tiffany!! <3
Chelsea @ Life With My Littles
I am feeling happy about all of those same things in July! And I am so excited for your book! That is awesome! Get it done, girl! And I definitely am loving short hair. I grew my hair out longer than it ever had been and then after Little A was two months I chopped it to my shoulders and LOOOOVE IT. I need to get it trimmed again because it's grown like four inches and it's already driving me crazy. So if you need some motivation, just talk to me and I will psyche you up!
Jessica Dimas
Thank you Chelsea! And I'm excited to hear that you are loving your short hair! That is DEFINITELY motivating to hear how much you're loving it!
My husband always worried more but this past year we have seen God constantly provide as we took steps in faith believing He would do it: it is so encouraging! Get that book done- you can do it! You are a gifted writer with amazing things to share! Can't wait to spread the word about it! Have a great weekend- we have a very quiet weekend so far and I'm looking forward to that!
Jessica Dimas
Yes! I'm not a Christian but I know in the bible Jesus says to ask and believe it is yours and you will receive it. FAITH! Thank you so much for the encouragement on the book, that means a lot. I hope you had a great (and quiet) weekend <3