It's been a couple of months since I did one of these "day in the life" of a stay at home mom posts. I'm adding in BLOGGING to spice things up! I figured I would start this post at night since I go to bed around midnight and I wanted you guys to see that that's really when my day starts! Why? Because I have a 2 year old that wakes up like a newborn even though he is night weaned. Don't give me advice or I will back hand you. Also, don't judge me for what you're about to read. Celebrate me instead for being real on the internet and not pretending to be perfect for my blog's sake. Okay...shall we proceed?
11:33 PM - This is usually when I take my shower (photo on the left). I love putting that little wax burner light on because it's kind of like my "me time" to take a shower with soft lighting and just let myself decompress.
Right after, I jumped into bed with my tablet (I know, that's bad. But it's my only chance to read for the day). Tonight I read one blogging article that I've pinned on my blogging board, and then I read the last book on this list...suuuuch a good book, I'm telling you guys! I finally fall asleep not long after, some time around midnight.
Time Unknown - Dacky woke up. I told him no "mimis" (boob) and he cuddled up and went back to sleep.
Time Unknown - Dacky woke up. I told him no mimis and he cried a really hoarse, scary sounding cry. I checked him and he felt feverish. I whipped out the boob asap, my number one defense against the sickies. Felt bummed that I had to nurse him but I also wanted him to have breastmilk since he was feverish.
Time Unknown - Dacky woke up, sounding sick. Boob.
6:02 AM - Dacky woke up for the day. He woke his brother up for the day. They have WAY too much energy and run off into the living room, where Luis puts cartoons on for them. I fall back asleep.
6:16 AM - Pretty sure this is when Dacky came back for more boob. Whatever.
6:26 AM - People are yelling at me for food. There's no more granola bars to pawn off on the kids to keep them quiet for another hour, dang it. I pass out into sleepy delirium.
6:30 AM - I am jarred back awake by hungry children and fling myself out of bed.
6:36 AM - The house is at 68 degrees and that is just unacceptable for Phoenix, AZ standards. I turn it up to 69 degrees so I can function.
The kids are on the sofa and they even look tired themselves! WHY DO THEY INSIST ON WAKING UP AT UNGODLY HOURS BEFORE EVEN THEY ARE READY TO BE AWAKE? My husband left them in t-shirts and shorts the night before when he put them to bed, so I go get out their warmer pjs and change them.
6:44 AM - It's a cereal kind of morning for Piggie, and Dacky gets his usual cup of Kefir.
6:49 AM - Make coffee, stat. Scurry away back to my bed to see how much more down time I can steal while they are content with their food and my husband is still here getting ready for work.
7:04 AM - 15 minutes of alone time in bed, that was pretty decent. And then Dacky climbed up on top of the bathroom counters by my bed and started undressing himself so that he conveniently couldn't get back down without almost killing himself. I get out of bed and put him down, and then attempt to get back in my warm bed.
A few minutes later both boys are standing on the counter, so I get up again to put them both down and stagger away for coffee.
7:19 AM - Coffee in hand: check. Children jumping off of sofas: check. Today, we're going to meet some friends at a farm by our house. I consider whether I should cancel since Dacky had a fever at night but is now acting completely normal. Plus, canceling over a suddenly sick child for some reason seems so fake. But for real, how to kids always get sick right when you have plans?
I go lay down in my bed and turn on Law & Order SVU. I don't normally do this but this morning feels off for some reason. I joke to my husband that I'm becoming a housewife that watches tv all day (I wish). He leaves for work and both boys come busting into my bedroom and jump in the bed with me. I try to watch my show in small increments while yelling at them that my coffee is very hot.
7:57 AM - Dacky wants to nurse and falls asleep! He usually never falls asleep for his nap until around 10-11AM, I don't know what's up with him but now I'm back to worrying that he may really be getting sick.
He sleeps for an hour and I actually fall asleep with him while Piggie plays on his tablet (thank the universe for tablets).
9:00 AM - Dacky wakes up and runs off. I still don't want to get out of bed...knowing that I have to go somewhere, even if I want to go, always makes me feel even more lethargic than I actually am. I can just put my hair in a bun, I tell myself.
9:20 AM - Okay, no more procrastinating. I get ready in about 10 or 15 minutes, get both boys dressed, find water cups, count diapers in the purse and make sure I have wipes. My friend texts and says she's running late - perfect! Stress is relieved. I get excited for Starbucks and it motivates me to push through the torture of getting the boys out of the house and into the car.
10:09 AM - We're finally on the road with Starbucks in tow! Woot! That coffee has never tasted better.
10:17 AM - Since our friends are still a few minutes away, I put the boys in the back of the car and feed them a breakfast sandwich, which they loved. Piggie asks one million, three hundred thousand, five hundred and sixty eight times where our friends are. I reply with the same answer: "not here yet."
Our friends arrive! I can't say for certain, but she kind of looks tortured like me. All the kids agree that they want to head over to see the animals first, on the other side of the farm.
10:41 AM - Chickens. Dacky is hardcore mesmerized; Piggie could care less.
10:52 AM - We make it over the goats, cows, sheep, and more chickens. My friend is putting in quarters to get goat food and I'm noticing Piggie getting dart-y eyes and holding his nose, complaining about something under his breath. My friend takes her two year old, my two year old, and her four year old into the goat pin and immediately I hear screams of terror from both of her children. Piggie bolts. I have to literally go into a full run to go catch him while I hear my friend in the background "Ohhh-kay, this isn't working..." while holding a screaming toddler with her screaming preschooler by her legs and a herd of goats surrounding them. Dacky is just wandering around, seemingly oblivious.
11:01 AM - Dacky would make a great farm boy. He's fascinated by all of the animals and I could easily see him harassing and torturing them once he got used to being around them.
11:07 AM - Playgrounds and some swinging!
11:38 AM - Train ride around the farm. It was a GORGEOUS day. In the sun it was a little hot but there was a cool breeze while riding the train so it offset the heat.
We get off the train and start heading towards the exit, but stop in the bakery. Piggie wants a cookie but there's a $10 minimum purchase for debit cards. I start looking around for something more to buy when Piggie informs me he has to poop. I put everything back and head towards the closest bathroom...which is closed. This older lady says "The bathrooms aren't closed, there's more right down there."
I look down a long dirt road that feels like 12 miles long as I hear Dacky in the background whining for boob. I had to think quick. I ask Piggie if he thinks he could hold his poop until he gets home and the old lady answers for him and says "Probably not," looking all concerned. In my head I say "Unless you want to walk half a mile down there and back with a whiney 2 year old quickly progressing into meltdown mode, be my guest!" I never promote holding but an impending crisis was on our hands. Piggie says he can hold it and we rush home, which is 5 minutes down the road.
12:15 PM - After bidding farewell to our friends, we get home. The kid on the left wants boob RIGHT NOW and the kid on the right needs to take a poop and someone to wipe him when he's done. You wouldn't think these things are highly stressful, but then you may not be a mom.
12:19 PM - I take Dacky to the bed to nurse him thinking he'll probably take a nap since he never took a real one earlier. While laying there, I notice my stats for my blog are super low and I check my site, which is running pretty slow. Damn it, I think I'm being capped by my webhost and need to look into switching over to a more expensive but better host.
Dacky lied and didn't fall asleep. We go back out into the living room where the boys inform me they're hungry. I make them some lunch from dinner leftovers the night before and get their plates set up. They then inform me they aren't hungry. In fact, they want to paint. I ignore them for awhile while I eat. They keep pestering me so I take a deep breath and clear the table to set up some paint for them. This all takes a super long time for some reason. Finally after they are painting, I do the dishes and start picking up around the house some.
1:58 PM - Meaning I take all of the toys from the living room and dump them in the playroom. Where are all their toys, you ask? In case you think the above doesn't look like much. 75% of their toys are put up in the closet because I can't deal with how much they drag out everyday.
1:59 PM - Because I'm a glutton for punishment, after I pick up their paint, I set playdoh out for them. I attempt to seize the moment and get out my planner and journal.
2:01 PM - Dacky wants boob again.
2:36 PM - More boob.
3:00 PM - I turn on Yo Gabba Gabba and give Dacky some kefir. I attempt in feeding Piggie again and again, he barely eats. He usually eats a ton. I escape off to the front room so that maybe if I'm out of sight out of mind, Dacky won't want to nurse again. I start editing photos for this post.
4:00 PM - He's nursing again. He's killing me today and I can feel myself getting agitated. Each time he nurses, it lasts around 10-15 minutes. So it's not much of a break at all between the times he's nursing. I try to remember that he's not feeling well and take deep breaths.
4:25 PM - LUIS IS HOME!!!!! Yayyyy!!!! He takes the boys away and I listen to a video on YouTube from a webhost I'm interested in while uploading the pics from my phone onto my computer.
5:46 PM - My husband is about to leave to go to the gym for the night and won't be back until 9PM. Yay. I decide to not make dinner since Luis won't be here. I put the boys in their pjs early and skip their bath even though they have farm germs all over them. The constant nursing has tired me out and irritated me too much. I want to keep things as easy as possible. And oh yeah...I'm nursing Dacky again.
6:12 PM - The boys are hungry so I make one of our favorite quick dinners: breakfast! I think it's just an excuse to give myself coffee. And eat bacon. The boys ask to sit on the counter to watch me cook and immediately don't watch me cook but instead get into everything else. Typical!
6:27 PM - They clear their plates. I would've cut up fruit for them too but they had just eaten nectarines. One less thing I had to do! I finish doing the dishes and wiping down the counters. I turn off all the lights and brush their teeth. They hang out and watch cartoons until closer to bedtime.
6:43 PM - I have a short conversation online with one of my favorite blogging buddies, The Deliberate Mom. We talk almost every day; more like I frequently harass her. I'm sure she wishes she could find a way to kindly get rid of me, but she's too nice for that.
7:01 PM - Dacky has been nursing on and off. I notice he's starting to get more sleepy so I turn off the TV and me and boys head for the bedroom.
I piss off Piggie's soul for switching up the sleeping arrangement. Normally, it goes Piggie, me, and then Dacky. But since Dacky had killed my left boob, I wanted to switch him to the other side. Piggie couldn't accept this and kept kicking and whining, flopping around in the bed in silent protest while trying to hold in his rage that he wasn't on the correct side of the bed. Lord help my soul. I switch the boys and minor peace is restored after Piggie dramatically weeps over the ordeal, calls out for Luis and tells me he doesn't love me anymore. Finally they both fall asleep.
8:16 PM - I come back out to the living room and sit down to continue working on this post. I get majorly sidetracked by some dress on Facebook that everyone is seeing in different colors. It haunts me because I see white and gold and can't see it any other way. I turn my phone all different ways, try to focus on different's still white and gold.
9:00 PM - Luis comes back home and says he feels a weird vibe from me. I'm like "yeah, I just want to be left alone and not be needed by anyone." He calls me psycho. Yes...that's definitely what the boys did to me today, especially with the constant nursing and the wanting of food and then not wanting of food, etc.
I talk to Luis off and on, eat some more food since I didn't eat much at dinner, and show Luis the dress. He sees blue and black! He then calls me inferior and thinks he's more evolved because he's seeing the correct colors.
11:30 PM - I finally finish my post. The plan now is to go take a shower and then read. Restart back at the top. Except I hope Dacky isn't quite so boob attached tomorrow. We have plans to go to my mom's house and she's going to take them to the park to feed ducks. Hopefully Dacky feels better so we can go! If all goes as planned, while they're at the park, I'll be at the library writing!
Iulia Gulia (Best of Baby)
Not sure why anyone would judge you for this...I say way to be an awesome mom! So sacrificial. And I bet the reason his fever went away so quickly is because of boobie time 🙂 (Though I totally understand the feelings behind it...before my son weaned around 2 years old, there were days where I was just like "PLEASE NOBODY ELSE TOUCH ME"...I was so over it sometimes)
Jessica Dimas
Aww thank you Iulia!! XOXO and yeah, the touched out-ness just gets to me some days. I'm sure of it that his fever went away because of nursing!! My 4 year old will stay sick but my 2 year old gets over things so quickly since he still nurses, it's a lifesaver.
I love reading about other moms' days! I have definitely had plenty of these days recently. Yesterday I did a bun on top of my head (which I never do) and by the end of the day, it was completely falling out. I decided that was a pretty good summary of how I felt at the end of the day. Thanks for being real and sharing your day!
Jessica Dimas
Hahahaha yes Chelsea, that is a perfect summary of how a lot of my days are too. And I have the hair to match! 🙂
Tiffany (A Touch of Grace)
Um.....about died. You have your hands full lady! You really are super mom.
I'm jealous you talk to Jennifer! She is seriously so knowledgeable about WP and all things blogging. And just all around awesome.
Great play-by-play post Jessica!
Jessica Dimas
More like idiot mom lol. Yeah you should really haunt Jennifer too, it's fun!! She is a well of information and hilarious conversation 🙂
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom
You said it all right here:
"You wouldn’t think these things are highly stressful, but then you may not be a mom."
LOL - so true!
What a great, honest, play-by-play and then there's me in there. Thanks for the mention... and I love our chats... SERIOUSLY! It keeps me sane.
Thanks for sharing your day with us.
Jessica Dimas
Yes LOL I knew only moms would understand that. Yes, our convos definitely keep me sane too!!! So glad we've moved our relationship from the blogosphere to instant chatting on FB where I can haunt you anytime I like lol 😉
Great post. Some days just feel like you're walking into a strong headwind all day! I have been experiencing some aversion with feeding my 21mo and hubby is learning sometimes I just need to go for a looooooong walk after getting her to bed. It would be great if boobs were detachable!!
Jessica Dimas
Ohhh yes, that's exactly how it feels, like a strong headwind all day! I'm so sorry to hear you're experiencing aversion!!! I experienced that for a long time and it was really, really hard. That would solve all problems of boob were detachable!
My friends and I do joke that in winter, at least here, there is always a 50% chance that plans involving children will be canceled. If it's not the weather, it's sickness. If it's not sickness, it's the weather.
I do get it about one wanting boob and one wanting to be wiped. I really do!
As for web hosting, go to iHelpers. I send everyone to them. GoDaddy and Blue Host and HostGator have screwed many of us over. iHelpers was actually cheaper for me but not sure what you use!
Jessica Dimas
Hahahaha yeah that makes sense. I can imagine. And THANK YOU for telling me about iHelpers, I will definitely check them out!!!
Meg O.
Loved this post! I am obsessed with being a creeper and looking into the lives of bloggers. I do a "photo an hour" post frequently but it's been a while. Maybe I should do one soon!!
Jessica Dimas
I am too Meg!!! And you should definitely do one soon, my creeper self would love to read it!!!
Thank you for being so real! I need to do a post like that for myself (because sometimes I wonder what I did all day! Because it's filled with little moments like the ones you described!) Love your blog!
Jessica Dimas
Isn't it crazy how you forget what you even did all day?! It's definitely all the little moments added up! Thank you so much for your sweet comment xo
Your relationship with your husband cracks me up. Haha!! That dress pissed me off. The first time I saw it I was convinced it was white and gold. I swore it up and down all day long seeing it over and over and over. Then that same night, the dressed looked blue and black. WTF I can't see it gold and white anymore, what happened?!!
I loved this post! I like day in the life..oh I also cracked up when it was 68 degrees and you moved it up ONE degree. LOL LOL LOL LOL too good
Breakfast for dinner? My favorite thing to do when I don't feel like doing anything.
Jessica Dimas
Hahaha ugh he's annoying and definitely the inferior one usually. I tried so hard to see black and blue and I could see it getting somewhat darker like my eyes wanted to see the true colors, but nope, never would turn for me lol. And yes, I am psychoid about the difference between 68 and 69 LOL one is freezing and the other makes me a little sweaty LOL.
Cindy Hasko
Can you tell I'm catching up on reading blogs today? 😉 You are going to wake up and have about "50 comments from Cindy". haha!! Sorry! But this is what works for me right now 🙂 Another fun and great post from you. And, oh yeah, if someone were to judge you (like you said in the beginning), I would smack them for you, okay!?? Because, cleary, either they are not a mom or if they are, they are just "perfect", huh!? No such thing!!!!! Ever! lol, so, no judging you, never! 🙂 I too have my little wax warmers that I light up all over the house. I light those and candles, because as soon as I light them, my soul smiles. It's just for me and they make me happy! I get it! Also, the only time I can read and have a me moment is in bed too. When you become a mommy, you / we just gotta do what works best for us, without being judged. I woke up at 5:00 this morning, hubby and son still asleep right now and I'm drinking my coffee reading your blogs, catching up, me time, my girl time, .... ummmm, realizing how many of your posts that I have missed, lol :p And enjoying this!
Jessica Dimas
I need to do the same Cindy, I am so behind on my blog reading! But it was a nice surprise to wake up and see all these email notifications that I had comments from you!!! I've missed you and I'm glad you stopped by my blog and left so many sweet comments! I loooove wax warmers, best ever! And your morning sounded perfect, I agree, we have to get our time where we can get it when we become mommies!
I love your honesty! My son weaned a bit early when I was out of town for work for a week, but I was genuinely thankful...I was becoming so touched out and stressed. My two year old still wakes up at odd times, too, and I also do not allow advice on that topic; your phrasing made me laugh out loud! I like this post idea, so I may have to follow suit! Thanks for sharing your day, even though it was an off day. Us mamas can always use something like this to relate to and feel more human about ourselves.
Jessica Dimas
Yeah I know what you mean! I'm definitely at the touched out phase. And thank you, I hate getting sleep advice lol. It's the worst. Yes, I really love day in the life posts and you should definitely do one!! I'm a total creep like that and love knowing how other moms spend their days!!
Haha I guess I'm a creep, too, because I love these posts!