September is almost here and I'm so dang glad. Mainly because it's one step closer to fall weather for us living in Phoenix, which is still about a month and a half away. Secondly because the launching of my book is over with and my nerves can R E L A X. Thirdly because it's almost holiday season, eeek! Can't wait.
1. One last, sweet summer trip
It was a hot one, but my boys loved this beach more than any beach we've been to because there were SO MANY sea shells that had living things in them, and tons of fish and crabs. Also sting rays, which I almost stepped on twice. If anyone is going to have an awkward encounter with animals while on a family trip, it would be me. I'm pleasantly surprised I didn't crap my pants or totally humiliate myself in some other way on this trip! #winning
2. Anything Can Be book love

Top left photo via @tawnyaf | Bottom right photo via @alyciapalmer
Seriously I smile from ear to ear for like an hour straight after people post something about my book on Facebook/Instagram, etc. It's just the sweetest, coolest thing.
3. Bunny book debate?
Have you heard of the bunny book written by a Swedish psychologist that supposedly helps put your kids to sleep? There are debates out there now, parents arguing back and forth over it's validity. And of course, as always, the "too cool for school" moms are out there posting about how they think it's stupid and creepy. Whatev! While they debate, I'll be over here putting my kids to sleep with it for as long as it works.
Boo yah, I win.
4. Kiddies update
Living with a 2 and 4 year old has times....recently. Dacky, my little one, is 2.5 and definitely getting that 3 year old psychosis attitude recently. Nothing can be broken or tainted in anyway. Which doesn't jive well with my 4 year old who is also still in psycho mode. It's like living with two insane people who go at it all day. I walk on eggshells praying I don't royally piss off one of their souls by looking at them wrong or offering them a bruised grape.
I attempted cutting their hair before we left for the beach this weekend. Their hair is always off because they cry or move the entire time, but I don't even care because their hair grows out so fast anyway.
Piggie refused to stand next to Dacky because he said he didn't smell good. That's another new thing - Piggie thinks any bad smell in the world is from Dacky or because Dacky's penis touched it (Dacky goes naked a lot). The other day Piggie melted to the floor like the bad witch from the Wizard of Oz with one hand in the air, saying "His penis touched my hand and now it smells baaaaaaad!!!" Ugh, whoever said boys aren't dramatic never had a 4 year old son.
Haha! I'm so happy you didn't have another crapping your pants incident!!! AND, I can't wait to get into your book!!
Glad you had one last great summer vacation! XO
Jessica Dimas
Hahahahaha, me too. Thanks Alycia, I hope you had a memorable summer too <3
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom
What a fun update!
First off... yay for the beach trip (and that you didn't poop your pants). LOL - poop.
Secondly, how awesome to see your book on Instagram, Facebook, etc. I stumbled across a 5 on Friday post with my book in it and I was like... wow - cool!
That rabbit book and all the buzz to go with it?! I totally want to try it just so I can see if it works. I would love for my youngest to take the occasional afternoon nap. Man, that would be bliss!
Your boys are hilarious! lol The whole penis touching thing had me in stitches. My girls are dramatic too. It's nerve-wracking, that's for sure!
Thanks for sharing.
Wishing you a lovely week.
Jessica Dimas
It really is such an awesome feeling when you see people sharing photos or linking back to your book!
I will say that the bunny book will only work if the child is already tired. If they're fighting sleep, it's great to try! It's just so relaxing.
Hahahaha, I can just imagine girl antics. These crazy little kids. Thanks for commenting <3
Chelsea @ Life With My Littles
I've never heard of that book, I'll have to check it out! Our kids are in the same room now and our son keeps putting everything he can find in our daughter's crib as soon as we shut the door. Turd. Maybe if I can get him to sleep before then we wouldn't have a problem! And also, I definitely agree that boys are dramatic. Oh toddlers.
Jessica Dimas
Hahahaha oh my gosh, sounds like something my son would do too. He loves haunting his little brother any chance he gets. Yes boys are definitely dramatic, people are lying when they say they aren't!
Tiffany (A Touch of Grace)
So many things in the post! The boys look so grown up with their hair cuts! And I'm so glad you guys made it to the beach so much this year. I can tell it's your happy place.
Piggie is hilarious. I mean, penis, of all things. My oh my.
And as soon as next pay day comes (next week) that book will be mine! All my spending money went to new school clothes for baby girl. Why do kids have to grow so fast?
Jessica Dimas
Yes, the beach is definitely my happy place. And I totally know what you mean about them growing so fast! My mom always swears that kids always grow in August right before school.