Spring has sprung...or it did about a month ago here in Phoenix. And by spring, I mean it stayed in the 70's, because anything lower is definitely winter weather.
So for the past month we've been going to the park a lot and just trying to get out more in general. I had gotten into a mommy rut so I made a new schedule for us. Although we only did about a week and half of it before one of them got sick, and then the other one got know how it goes. And then we went to California!
We decided that it would be fun to take the boys to Disneyland, and it so was!! It's like no matter what issues you have to deal with at Disneyland, it's always worth the trip. You miss it when you go home. Not even the crowds or the sleepy toddler affect the awesomeness of being at Disney. Piggie of course, being four and not napping anymore, was on cloud nine 24/7. And we met some awesome celebrities in Pig and Dac's book.
Dacky was giving the other photographer the stink eye. I also got to meet up with my blogging buddy RF Dietz from Dizmommy!
She's like my soul's twin. Like, I actually get weird when I think about her, I could get teary-eyed because she's one of those kinds of people that you know have your back and hope the best for you. Her soul is just GOOD. And it makes me feel good being around her. I love you Rebecca!!!! #seeyouontheyacht #demeyelashestho
I hate crafts. Obviously. You know that amazing article that's been floating around, What Would My Mom Do, (Drink Tab & Lock Us Outside), yeah, I'm sure she wouldn't make this crap. We haven't done a craft since that day and life has been grand.
Thinking about
I've really been thinking about this quote a lot. My main focus this month is to relax during the detours of my life, and the down times when not much seems to be happening, and remember that awesome things are always happening for me and around me, and more awesome things are in my future too.
Haunting Mommying Story of the Month
Or, A Perfect Example of Why I Hate to Take My Kids Out.
The boys needed to get out of the house so we walked down to the park, found a shady grassy area and sat down. Of course they wanted their snacks right away just for the novelty of eating food at the park. So I'm feeding them, trying to keep up with their incessant demands: Piggie wants water, take back water, Dacky can't pull his banana peel down, Piggie wants a banana too, Dacky drops banana and wants water, I start picking off dirt and grass on the banana, Piggie's still begging for his banana...just the usual mom juggling act.
After the feeding frenzy died down, Piggie remembered that he had found a big stick the last time we were there and started whining that he couldn't find any this time. I get up, which burns precious Mommy Patience fuel, and take a branch off a tree, pull off all the leaves and twigs and attempt to present the stick to him and convince him of it's coolness . He says "I don't WANT a green stick!!!" For the love...I tell him through gritted teeth that all the sticks are gone and to go find something else. They finally run off towards the play ground. Hell yes, time to Facebook!
But no...there is a large teenager walking towards me. Can I help you, I ask. No, he says. He stands there, awkwardly. I stare at him, unable to look at my phone because...big looming teenager standing over me. I obscurely check that boobs and vagina are not showing since I'm wearing shorts and sitting cross-legged on the ground, and my shirts frequently feel stretched to my stomach from Dacky pulling on them all day. He then starts talking to me about random crap, like how he can do any impersonation from any movie he's ever seen. I realize he's not "all there" or else just desperate for attention, so I allow him to carry on. He does about 30 horrid impersonations as I sit and watch my kids play in the distance, mourning the loss of my precious alone time that I'd gotten for the first time in the entire day. FML.
My neighbor shows up and I can hear choir angels singing, HAAAALLELUJAH! She sets down some tubes of bubble solution and has to take a phone call with her husband. My kids run over, Impersonation Boy starts back up again, and Piggie completely dumps one tube of bubble solution out on the ground and a few minutes later he dumps the other one all over his face and head. I can't make this stuff up.
Impersonation Boy is going hard, my friend is talking to her husband, Dacky is taking off his shoes and socks, and Piggie now has drool falling from his mouth from eating the solution...
Introvert...OVERLOAD. Omg.
So yeah, my haunting story of the week had no point besides the fact that this proves to my husband why I hate taking the kids out. Does anyone else go out in public with their children and everything goes smoothly? Do you not feel like you want to kill yourself every time?
Jessica, I feel the same way you do about your blogger friend about Jennifer from Love, Mama (FKA forst comes love) I am so glad you met up with your friend and that you and the family enjoyed Disneyland. We really want to take Max! I will have to look into it.
Also, I am a super introvert. Yes I like going places and doing things, but it so much easier to chill at home and not care about what is going on then to be out in public getting screamed at by your child. Even the grocery store is a nightmare. Damn my Kroger for being a "Market Place Kroger" where they have furniture and everything you could possibly think of. We go in there and the first thing Max does is scream he wants a toy. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Jessica Dimas
I love how you and Jennifer are Bff's!! I think that's so awesome that you two met through blogging and became real friends. And definitely check out Disney, you will love it!
Omg Chelsea, I'm so with you and your Kroger sounds like a nightmare. My friends actually think it's so weird that I can count on one hand the number of times I've taken my kids to the grocery store with me. I just can't handle it. The times I have I feel like I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown by the time we leave lol. Ugh.
Omg I love your peep house! And wow you held your own when teenage dude showed up...I hate those second hand embarrassing moments where it feels like some sort of elaborate punk episode.
Glad you guys had a great time @ Disney!!!!'
Jessica Dimas
Yeah teenage dude was a nightmare, I was thinking "he's worse than my 2 and 4 year old combined!!" I feel for his mom. Thanks Marta, we definitely had a great time at Disney!
Cindy Hasko
Great pics! And like I mentioned on Rebecca's Instagram post/pic of the two of you, that is so great you two got to meet. Two very pretty ladies! Happy Easter! 🙂 xo
Jessica Dimas
Thank you Cindy, you're so sweet! I hope you have a Happy Easter too <3
OK I'm sorry but I laughed so hard at the park story. Incredible all that can happen in a blink of an eye!
Yay for Disney! You can never go wrong at Disney!
Jessica Dimas
Lol I know, right. I don't even know how kids work so fast to create total destruction.
Tiffany (A Touch of Grace)
Whoa. That is quite the story. I know you aren't making it up but that is more than I could handle. Total introvert overload.
So glad you guys are enjoying your spring though! Jealous of your trips!
Jessica Dimas
Yes, total introvert overload, it was so messed up. Thanks Tiffany!
Oh goodness, that story sounds rough! I am so sorry! I have had minor incidents so far, but I'm sure that they will get worse as my kids get older. Also, I'm way jealous of your Disneyland trip! We need something like that!
Jessica Dimas
Yes, Disney was so fun, you guys should definitely go!! You would love it!
I went to DisneyWorld in January and I still miss it! And I still have to.. you know.. upload the photos. Great to be ahead. Not.
You and R.F. - such a sight for sore eyes. If I had been there, I would have sat in the middle just for the hair color symmetry. And Des and Dacky and Dylan and Pig would have run amok.
To answer your question, taking both kids out can be daunting, even if they are behaving. And that's an IF. I go on dates with just Scarlet and it's totally smooth, though.
Jessica Dimas
Hahaha well I can't wait to see the photos!! And FYI, I meant to comment back on the photo comment you left me on FB about one of looking like that actress. Did you mean me or R.F.? If you meant me, I take that as a total compliment cause that actress is so pretty. If you didn't mean me, then this just got awkward, hahahaha. And yes, our boys would've totally run amok, it would've been awesome. I'm also glad to know you that going out with both kids is daunting for you too. My life is much easier when I only take my 4 year old out, he's much more civilized than Dacky!
ha, I meant you!!!
Your peep house! I'm laughing so hard! I only have the one kid, so going out into public isn't so bad, in fact I find it to be the opposite for me... we get cabin fever being stuck at home... it sucks because it's snowing right now 🙁 I need spring to arrive and stay STAT! I'm sure my tune will change when I have another kid though!!
Jessica Dimas
That damn peep house. Yeah I think my life wouldn't be so haunting in public if I only had one. And it's like they feed off of each other and act even crazier. I can imagine your cabin fever with the snow. The few cold weeks we had here in AZ I got all weird and claustrophobic in our house, like not having the option to go outside drove me crazy. I hope spring is around the corner for you guys soon!!
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom
Ha! I love your introvert overload story. No one could make that stuff up! I used to think I was a beacon for awkward moments/weird stories but I guess I'm not the only one... LOL.
Lovely pictures... and I'm still jealous that you and Rebecca-faith got to meet. I mean seriously, I want to meet you and I want to meet her but you two meet each other. Waaaahhh! One day though... one day.
Wishing you a lovely week.
Jessica Dimas
Hahaha a "beacon for awkward moments", omg that perfectly describes me. And totally explains why we have so much in common lol.
I know, I wish you could've been there and I wish we could've all talked blogging! One day, one you ever plan to come to a blogging conference in the U.S.?!
Honest to god I find so much peace in your crazy! I mean, there's nothing peaceful about a random person talking your ear off while you have to pretend to be interested while watching your kids from a distance...etc.etc. BUT! FUCK YEAH! None of my outings go even close to remotely normal (uhm...Disneyland water fountains/trapping Dylan in an area that really couldn't contain him/having to claim him for worried know). Seriously, EVERY DAMN TIME it's like a full orchestra blaring crazy. So glad to know I'm homebound for the next 3 years (???) just like you are! Which just means we should live next door please! I adore you so much and you are my soul sister! <3<3<3!