I swear this link up is haunting my life. Every week's theme is turning out to be exactly what I'm currently dealing with! And currently, I am losing my patience a lot.
My boys are going through a phase right now where they are fighting over toys. My older one always wants what my younger one is playing with, and thus fighting and crying ensues. After the millionth time of this scenario happening in one morning, I am ready to curl up in the fetal position and cry myself to sleep. Or yell and scream like a lunatic...whichever feels most fitting at the time.
Mothering little ones can be very trying on my patience. Some days I'm awesome, and other days it's over before noon and we just tumble downhill from there.
I'm going to write these tips for myself so I can look back on it when I need a quick reminder. So, Dear Jessica, here is what works for you and helps you keep your patience stores full:
1. Get a good night's rest. Being rested makes all the difference in the world. Starting the day out exhausted with two little ones is asking for a hazard.
2. Remember their ages and capabilities. Piggie may look way older compared to Dacky, but he's only three. He is still learning how to share his toys and his brain wiring is not all there yet. He lacks control of his feelings and needs your help in learning how to manage them. Yelling at him just breaks down your relationship and further frustrates the both of you. The world and all of it's experiences are new and sometimes frightening to him. Instead of yelling or getting upset, take the time to teach and guide him. When he's misbehaving, it means he needs you.
3. Keep a routine. You and the boys all thrive off of routine. No one is surprised or thrown for a loop. Remember to explain the day's plans if you're going to be doing something different so that they can envision the day just like you are and mentally prepare themselves.
4. Spend quality time with them every day. You're with them all day, but you aren't with them all day. At least once a day, put your phone away, ignore all distractions, and get down on the floor with them. Make eye contact. Ask questions. Play and rough-house. Connect emotionally and physically. When you do this, it fills up their tanks with love and they act better. Which means more harmony in the house for everyone.
5. Get outside. Let those boys run off that energy and get some fresh air in all of you. Who has time to fight over toys or yell when you're enjoying the outdoors?
6. Nutella.
I hope that some of these reminders for myself help you as well. What do you do to help yourself keep patience while dealing with toddlers?
Ha! This is great! I do all of these things, but sometimes its still hard. They are just such extraordinary little people 🙂
Jessica Dimas
Oh yes, for sure! You can do everything right (or wrong) and it doesn't make any of it any easier. Toddlers and patience aren't really two words that go together 🙂