I'm a light packer these days now that I don't have an infant anymore. It also helps to have only one in diapers! I do keep a change of clothes for the boys in the car, but otherwise I try to only bring what we absolutely need.These are my top toddler diaper bag essentials:
- Water sippy cups
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Extra underwear and pair of shorts/pants for Piggie
- Snacks
- Debit card & driver's license
- I stole this idea from a friend recently so these aren't pictured, but small Play-Doh containers and lollipops are LIFE SAVERS for when we're out and the boys are about to have a meltdown or go insane waiting around at a restaurant.
Dacky was screaming his head off the other day after falling down at the park, and my friend whipped out one of her lollipops she always carries and he was instantly happy. And when we're waiting for food and want all the kids to stay seated, she whips out the playdoh and all of them are entertained. At home my boys wouldn't necessarily be so enthused about playdoh, but when we're out, they think it's some awesome treat.
2015 Buick Encore
There are many different safety requirements in vehicles for
different parts of the world and GM is committed to making their vehicles as safe as possible
no matter what area of the world their cars are being sent to.
Buick designers filled Encore with ample storage, including eight
beverage holders, storage in all four doors, four bins in the dash,
pockets in the seatbacks, an available bin beneath the
passenger seat and bins under the rear load floor around the spare tire.
Sporty alloy pedals add a racy touch to the lower cockpit and are standard,
and the steering wheel has a flat bottom ala Ferrari.