My first view of the day. The only time Dacky looks innocent.
Diaper changes!
I turn the TV on in an attempt to distract them for a few minutes so I can make breakfast.
It rarely works. They don't like waiting for their food.
And I have to fight Dacky for the chair, which he wants to use to climb up onto the counter.
After several back and forth exchanges, I give up. I haven't had my coffee yet.
Feeding the little beasts.
Finally about three minutes of semi-peace.
And they're off to go play outside.
Today was awesome because they left me alone for like 10 minutes. I got so excited I grabbed a book, HAHA!
It wasn't long before I heard the screams, so I had to hurry up outside and referee the chaos. Such innocence on that little face, you'd never guess he was just beating up his little brother.
They kept playing this game where Dacky would run to one side of the yard and Piggie would go "save" him from the wasps. That was super cute.
9AM - Warming up my coffee I never got to finish. Moms, you know how that goes!
What's your morning routine like? If you've posted about it before, leave the link so I can check it out!
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