I really love the activities for this month because they're super hands on and will be a lot of fun, which is perfect if you're stuck inside during cold weather! A lot of these activities you can save for the next day too or for another day of fun.
We have a new conservatory here in our city that has ALL KINDS of insects and a huge butterfly exhibit, so that's going to be our field trip this month.
As per usual, I will update with pics as we go along, and feel free to follow us over on Instagram where I share our preschool creations!
Theme: Bugs
Field Trip: Butterfly Exhibit
Celebrate: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Numbers: 9, 10
Letters: W, B
Shape: Rectangle
Click here to view my preschool printables section. SexeDate.ch.
Monday: Letter B Song | B is for Butterfly Craft
Wednesday: Butterfly Life Cycle #1 or Butterfly Life Cycle #2
Friday: B is for Butterfly Tracing Worksheet
Monday: Letter W Song | W is for Worms
Wednesday: The Number 9 and Number 10 songs | Number tracing sheets
Friday: Bugs in a Jar Counting Game
Monday: Martin Luther King Jr Day - Egg Cracking Activity; We're All the Same
Tuesday: Rectangle Song | Rectangle Robots craft
Wednesday: Play dough Bug Fossils
Friday: Educational insect show - "Microcosmos" on Netflix | Bug Bin sensory box
Monday: Invitation to Build a Bug
Tuesday: Bug Slime sensory box
Wednesday: Egg Carton Bee craft
Friday: Go on our field trip
Be sure to follow my Pinterest board below where I have all of these activities and videos pinned:
Chelsea @ Life With My Littles
I just love how you lay it all out for us right there! So simple to follow along! We just went to the butterfly pavilion in Denver last week, so learning about bugs before would have been perfect! My son definitely did not want to touch the tarantula, and a huge butterfly landed right on my daughter's nose! It was so fun! Excited to see all your fun activities on Instagram this month!
THat playdough is the best! So glad you love it as much as we do!
Seriously BEST play dough EVER. We love it, and I've tried several different ones, but that one is so soft and lasts for so long. Thank you for sharing it!!