Our society looooves to scares us when it comes to childbirth. If you want to hear the worst possible birth stories from random strangers, just go out in public pregnant. And if you want to hear morbid birth stories, throw in there that you're having a med-free birth or home birth. That'll really get 'em riled up and overflowing with horror stories for ya.
"Med-free? Har har har...yeah you'll be singing a different tune once those contractions start."
"A home birth? My aunt Sally's friend's second cousin's daughter tried to have a home birth and she lost the baby. I just don't understand why people take that kind of risk..."
I heard these daily when I was pregnant with my first. I can't really recall even one encouraging story from anyone besides my midwife and from the books I read. I quickly realized I needed to be my #1 believer. So here is what I did to mentally prepare myself for both of my births:

Jessica Dimas is the author of the book "Sacred Self-Care for the Highly Sensitive Mom." Follow along on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with future posts.
This is so encouraging for other moms and expecting moms out there. I truly believe in focusing on the positive and envisioning the best possible outcome. Sadly, all the visualization and manifesting in the world could not help me overcome the pain of labor and I begged for drugs! I still love hearing about other moms' birthing story. Either way, it's a beautiful experience.
Jessica Dimas
Yeah, the pain of labor is no joke! I think visualizing a successful birth without drugs was more about me knowing I could do it, but it didn't take away from the pain, not at all lol. But yes, either way it's a beautiful experience. Beautiful and painful lol.
Great article! Do you mind sharing what songs you found empowering? Thanks!
Jessica Dimas
Honestly, I listened to mostly rap songs with obscene lyrics haha! I don't know why, but they just made me feel like I was coming into the fighting ring and I was gonna win. I confess that my birthing theme song both times was Lil Wayne "Right Above It". It has some crazy lyrics that don't relate at all obviously to giving birth, but one of the lyrics I liked the most was "I don't bust back because I shoot first". Everyone was telling me I wasn't going to be able to do it and wasn't going to be able to take the pain of natural childbirth, so listening to these lyrics encouraged me to be brave and remember that I could do it. Another part of the song he says "You know you're at the top when only heaven is right above it" and that always made me envision the euphoria of having my baby in my arms and being on top of the world, which is exactly what happened both births! Find songs that make you feel powerful and brave and listen to them envisioning the best, because it truly gears your body and mind up to do it.