I have to say, 2013 was a pretty good year. I actually accomplished last year's resolution, which was to be more positive and grateful on a daily basis, and I'm really looking forward to this year's resolutions...I'm a lame-o like that!!! 😀
In 2013:
- I gave birth to my second baby boy.
- Piggie turned 2, and boy was this year "fun"! I'm very scared for 3.
- Luis and I celebrated 10 years of marriage.
- I tandem nursed for 10 months, one of the hardest things I've done yet in my mommyhood.
- Luis unknowingly fell into the best career ever! Thank you thank you thank you!
- We took our first family vacation. We only went to San Diego but it was so fun and a vacation I'll remember forever.
- We spent lots of time together as a family. A stark contrast to previous years when Luis worked two jobs. Again, thank you thank you thank you!!!
Good bye 2013, you were pretty amazing.

And now for my resolutions for 2014!
- Enjoy the moment
- stop living for the future, be happy right where I am and enjoy the ride
- Honor who I am
- respect and listen to my feelings, be honest, make no apologies, forgive myself much more often
- Take care of myself
- get ready in the mornings, dress in a way that makes me feel good about myself, drink more water, eat more veggies, and exercise
- Serve others
- make dinner more often, make our house a home every day, spend more time on the floor with the kids, read more books to the kids, do everything with love
- Make it pretty
- instead of planning big makeovers in my house, add small touches of beauty here and there along the way, remember "imperfect is the new perfect"
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe New Year, see you in 2014!
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