My favorite resources for inspiration, motivation, growth, encouragement, and information.
Favorite Books
The Magic
One of my FAVORITE books on gratitude. This book made me so happy just reading it that I read it about three times.
Infinite Possibilites: The Art of Living Your Dreams
My bible. So inspirational and well-written.
Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier
A great short read, which basically expands on Infinite Possibilities.
E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
AWESOME book for your inner cynic. It wasn't even the experiments that inspired me but the stories and studies that Pam shared. I have this book all highlighted up and read through it whenever I need a reminder that it's all REAL.
Abundance: A Simple Abundance Approach to Manifesting Abundance Quickly and Effortlessly
This book isn't very well-edited and it's a very short read, but something about the way he explained manifesting abundance was so simple and helpful.
Money & the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
Any book by Esther/Abraham Hicks is always extremely insightful, even if I have to read it a few times to let it sink in.
The Law of Attraction: The Basic Teachings of Abraham
Then second book I read that really introduced me to the Law of Attraction and taught me several techniques that I use daily to help manifest awesome things.
Think & Grow Rich
A page turner, very inspiring and informative.
The Magic of Believing
I just found this book which was written by a buisnessman decades ago. It's about using the power of your subconcious mind to create success.
The Map: To Our Responsive Universe, Where Dreams Really Do Come True
A really easy read about manifesting.
The Secret
The very first book I ever read about the Law of Attraction. I watched the documentary first, which I found really inspiring.
Anything Can Be: A Reference Guide for Applying the Law of Attraction, Overcoming Common Blocks, & Staying in Alignment to Create the Life of Your dreams
My book, which I consider to be a condensed, no filler version of everything I've read mixed in with my own experiences and opinions is not only inspirational but useful as well. I created 9 worksheets so that you can take what you've learned and put it into daily action.
The Inner Guide
I use this EVERY DAY. It has a yearly and monthly calendar, as well as daily slots. It's full of questions for self-reflection, goals, and intentions. Mine is beat up from taking it every where with me.
The Secret: The Secret Daily Teachings
Great app for daily inspiration.
Daily Inspirational Quotes
Awesome daily emails that send you an inspirational quote in the morning.
Notes from the Universe: Sign up for free daily reminders of life's magic and your power
Abraham-Hicks Publications: Daily Law of Attraction Quotes
Inspirational Blogs
Lucky Bitch
Denise has TONS of inspirational and informative YouTube videos.
Lana Shlafer
Lana also has very helpful YouTube videos and her energy is just SO contagious. This girl LIVES the Law of Attraction.
Mike Dooley's blog full of awesome posts.