I listened to a free audio series called Manifesting with the Masters, hosted by Jen Mazer, The Queen of Manifesting. It was 25 manifesting experts (and one bonus speaker, Joe Vitale) all doing 45 minute interviews with Jen, sharing nuggets of advice and wisdom pertaining to all areas of life. It was fantastic!
The interviews basically consisted of all the ways in which these experts (who are life coaches, authors of best selling books, doctors, holistic specialists, law of attraction teachers) shared their tips and points of views in regards to manifesting a life you love. I picked up a lot of "aha moments" of clarity that I wanted to share with you guys.
- Attitude - For me, one of the biggest blocks I have in regards to keeping my mood positive is the constant, day-to-day demands of two small children. I'm in the "mommy" phase; small, needy children who have back to back demands and wake up frequently at night. It just gets overwhelming sometimes and I find myself drained often. Jen said something that really helped shift my focus...she said instead of saying "I have to", say "I get to" for everything that might seem unpleasant for you.
- "I have to take care of two small children all day long" --> "I get to stay home with my two small children all day long." (This is true, I'm so grateful to be the one who is home with them).
- "I have to deal with the roughness and loud nature of boys constantly" --> "I get to have two beautiful, healthy boy that I always wanted and knew I would have."
- "I have to wake up multiple times a night" --> "I get to experience motherhood and all the lessons of character it teaches me." Yeah, that one was hard to convert, but it's true: everything we experience, good or bad, helps us grow.
- Daily Alignment - It is so important to align yourself first thing in the morning so that your whole day flows smoother and in doing so you set yourself up for amazing things to come into your experience. I have a morning self-care routine that I do every day and it makes such a difference.
- Do everything from a place of love - Susann Taylor Shier touched on motherhood a few times, and she mentioned scenarios like a sink full of dishes and dinner needing to be made, etc. She said to do everything from a place of love. When you do it from love, it gives it more purpose and it puts you more in alignment with that which you want to receive.
- We are here to create - you have something to offer. We were born to create.
- You dream the ideas that are meant to come through you; start before you're ready - oh my gosh I loved this one, it touched me so much. I don't know about you, but a lot of times I feel like a fraud, or like I'm not actually knowledgeable enough to write about anything I want to because who am I to write on a certain topic? Especially when I'm no expert. But, if a dream or an idea comes to you, it's because you are meant to bring it forward. You don't have to have a Ph.D or 20 years experience in something to begin sharing what you know. That's how you become an expert.
- God has no hands but yours - this gave me chills. Another reason to listen to the whispers in your heart...there's something bigger trying to come through you. Don't be afraid to follow through.
- Keep your new ideas to yourself - this is one I never thought about. When you have a new idea, the energy around it is sacred to you. And when we share that energy before it's ready, we risk losing it. They related it like the steam coming out of a kettle; we need to hold our ideas in until they're ready, because we need the steam! Have you ever gotten an amazing idea, one that would be a big undertaking, and you shared it with someone and then felt a little bit of the steam lost? That's because when we talk about it, we create the energy that it's already happened and it can make you lose momentum.
- You must take action - don't wait until you think you're ready...if you have the vision, just start. Start the book, start the business, start whatever it is you've been dreaming about.
- Own your greatness - say YES to your value, to serve, to receive money, to gaining clients. When we subconsciously believe that what we're offering has no value, we put that energy out and keep ourselves from receiving. Say YES to good things coming to you.
Love - love yourself first, love what you are offering second, and love your audience enough to offer what you're selling. BOOM, lightbulb moment.
- There is no competition - everything is divinely inspired, which means just like there is an abundance of air and we don't worry about there not being enough air for us to breathe on this planet with billions of other people, there is an abundance of love, joy, success, and money for everyone.
- Flourish - let all that you are flourish; you weren't meant to work hard. Do everything from a place of love and let things happen rather than forcing them to happen.
- Expect it - Jen said "know it will happen and that everything will work out in your favor."
- Gratitude - almost every single one of the 25 speakers mentioned how important this is. It aligns us with what we want, strengthens our expectations, brings you into the "miracle zone", and opens you up to receive more. Making daily gratitude lists is a powerful way to stay in alignment.
- Welcome change - we can't receive new things if we stay in the same situations and patterns. Change isn't scary; it's bringing you closer and closer to your dream.
- Visualize - another big one mentioned in almost every interview; the importance of visualizing your goals/dreams. You must feel the dream, imagine already having it, engage every sense, step into the person/world you want to be in. When you've visualized correctly, you'll feel the shift, you'll feel excited!
- Do belief work - everything that has happened to you has happened because you believed it was possible; this works for both bad and good things. If you have limiting beliefs as to what's possible for you, your dreams can't come to you. If you believe money is hard to make, that will be your experience. Sit down and write out your beliefs in an area you're having trouble in. If it's money, write down all of your self-limiting beliefs on money. Realize them, write their opposite on the other side of the paper, rip the paper in half and burn or destroy the side with the bad beliefs. Release them and do this often, until they stop coming up as blocks for you.
- Surrender - state your intentions and goals, and then let go and allow for your dream or something even better to come to you.
- Look for clues - look for clues that your dream is getting closer. This strengthens your expectation and keeps you excited. See everything as a positive sign. Did a friend recently achieve something you've been wanting? Their experience coming into your reality is a sign that your dream is coming closer! I look at it like the universe is asking me "Is this what you meant? Is this what you want, too?" Be happy for them, because when you are, you are telling the universe/God that you want the same thing!
- Doubt the doubt - instead of doubting the dream, doubt any doubt that comes up for you. That's your inner critic feeling afraid.
- Trust in perfect timing - it will happen. Don't give up, and be grateful for all the lessons you've learned along the way to your dream. Everything that happens is preparing you and stretching you to step into your dream.
- Blow the whistle on yourself - how are you not acting like the vision of yourself in your dream? For me personally, I want to be a published author. I blew the whistle on myself for stalling, for not writing, for being afraid. The vision of myself as a published author is confident, she writes, and she believes in her message. (Update, I published my book this year!)
Overall Takeaway
The overall lesson I walked away with was putting everything into action. Practice daily alignment, guard my energy and time (be aware of procrastinating, time wasters, engaging in things that drain me), ask myself what would the future vision of myself would do today to help me step into that reality?
I hope you enjoyed my notes and found something helpful or useful! Was there anything here that you hadn't thought of before, or looked at in that way? Was there anything you already practice and you can totally validate works for you?
Jessica Dimas is the author of the book "Anything Can Be: A Reference Guide for Applying the Law of Attraction.." Follow along on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with future posts.
Lauren at Happy Haven Blog
Love this! What stands out to me the most (bc they all do), is "doubt the doubt." I love this! Why is that we can come up with a hundred reasons why something won't work out but more often than not don't flip the coin and explore why they will? I feel like I need to print and highlight this post. In fact, I will :). Love love.
Jessica Dimas
That stood out to me too Lauren, "doubt the doubt". I am totally prone to just focus on the doubt and talk myself down. They said if you're gonna doubt anything, doubt the doubt!
Jessica thank you for post this amazing information. I too am the mother of boys, and one girl. They are all grown up now, and they are so amazing. I know there is that word again! When I was having our children, I desperately wanted a girl, she came last in a family of four boys and then a girl. For me I wanted a girl, because I had had a precious daughter because my first was a precious girl who had been adopted years before.
Now looking back on those years of having the children, I so enjoyed the boys. They are so different from girls, and are the 'gross motor' version, in that they love wide open spaces to run around and play, It is in their DNA to climb trees, play 'gun'games, have adventures,scrape their knees, even the occasional bone gets broken along the way!
When boys have a disagreement, they sort it out, and get on with it, no holding grudges for them!
They have much to teach us these wonderful wee boys.
I know, I know, I also was a stay-at -home Mum, with all the pressures that that position entails, esp when we 'fly off the handle', through tiredness, other pressures. The main thing is trust in your self, Trust your love is more than enough for your little people, be kind to yourself. Imagine your favorite Gran our someone similar, guiding you, telling you what a truly amazing person you are to be gifted with such wonderful children, as they are to have such an awesome Mum!
Jessica Dimas
I think this was the best comment I ever got on my blog, thank you Jocelyn! I read it multiple times and even to my husband, it was just so encouraging and thoughtful. I love what you said about little boys and how amazing they are. I couldn't agree more, they are really teaching me a lot, I think there's a reason I was given only boys haha. And the end of your comment was so encouraging, thank you for taking the time to write that to me ❤️
You really hit the nail on the head with this one ! All of these are important to wanting a better you, tomorrow , and future !
Oh man, I love this! Thank you for sharing all of these amazing insights! Your note about visualizing reminds me of the magic box you posted about last week! You are completely right about all of these. We have to take action, we have to enjoy where we are, and we have to be responsible for ourselves. I am definitely saving this post!
Jessica Dimas
Yes, I loved how much they all talked about visualizing because it's SO important!! Kind of creepy how it works!
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom
Oh my goodness. So many delicious tips here Jessica!!! I just love what you learned and shared.
I love the section on attitude in Mommying. Attitude makes the world of difference in happiness and how our children respond to us. A resounding YES!
"God has no hands but yours." YES!
Becoming the expert... YES! YES! YES!
Such wonderful things you learned here. I'm pinning this to my Deliberate INSPIRATION board. Thanks so much for sharing.
Jessica Dimas
Thank you Jennifer! I'm glad you liked these tips, and thank you for pinning!! <3
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LaDonna Cannon
Great article. I read this a few years back. Today it is a rare gem and reminder that I'm not the only one.
YES! All of this, YES! Oh my good gracious I love your soul and your knowledge. I SO wish I would have known about this because it would have been right up my alley. I find the manifesting hardest for me, I already know that my attitude is EVERYTHING in my parenting and everything else but the manifesting is hard for me... I find I doubt myself often and so I love the part about "doubting the doubt". I need that 🙂
Thank you for this one, I'm going to schedule it on my FB 🙂 xo
Jessica Dimas
I knooow, I should've told you about it!!! I'm sorry, I will totally send you an email anytime I hear about stuff like this because I know you love it just as much as I do. I know, manifesting certain things is really hard for me. It's like there's just some things I CAN'T seem to manifest (yet) but I know it's because I must have some major blockage around the issue that I need to deal with. Well, sending you lots of manifesting dust!!
Soooooo much goodness! I wish I'd have known about this! It sounds like the perfect thing for K and I to listen to with all our business and life ventures. I need to be better about the keeping new ideas to myself. 🙂 And gratitude. Yes! I think every personal development book I've read talks about gratitude at some point.
Love that you had such great takeaways!
Jessica Dimas
I know, I should've told more people about it!! Yeah I had totally never thought of the idea thing but after I did, I realized how true it was! And yes, they all say to practice gratitude, apparently it is a game changer in everyone's opinion!
Attitude really is everything! That can change everything for me. I pretty much just love all of this- so good and helpful!
Jessica Dimas
Yes, it is!! Thank you Keri!
Kelli {A Deeper Joy}
Welcoming change is tough for me. I'm becoming more adaptable though I think as I get older. I so believe that it's key though! Thanks for sharing this, Jessica!
Jessica Dimas
I know, change can be scary! Thank you Kelli
Oh, I love this!!! I'm pretty sure we're soul sisters. I definitely got the chills just from reading some of this. Thanks for this, Jess! I'll be saying now, "I get to experience toddler tantrums" instead of "Calgon, take me away." 😉
Jessica Dimas
Hahahaha Kristy, you get to be refined and perfected by toddler tantrums" lol.
Sunny B.
Also, another way to see it,
"I get to show my beautiful child I love them unconditionally, in good & bad moments, that is the greatest love. Just how God loves us, even when we stumble.
Thaaaaaaaaank you x1000 for posting this article, it touches my soul. Very grounding when there are so many distractions in life. It all is an inward job. Thank you ????????
i've been listening to the One Part Podcasts on jessicamurnane.com and I feel like I'm hearing a lot of similar information and having the same learnings as you did - our lives are paralleled for now 🙂
Jessica Dimas
Ooooh I must go to this website and listen! Sounds like something I'd love!
Ruth Meaney
This is so great! Thankyou! What an amazing feat listening to all those talks! I signed up to a birth online conference recently and I think I have listened to about 5 of the 40-something talks.... The one that really stuck with me is "God has no hands but yours". Love it. Hubby and I often walk about feeling like we are being prepared for something that's around the corner. It's a tricky feeling when it comes (I am so in the middle of that feeling at the moment), as you don't know what the thing is or when it's going to happen. But thankyou for all these wonderful words of support to lift us up and keep us going.
Jessica Dimas
Oh my gosh, I would love to hear a birth conference, I bet that was amazing. And yes, I can totally relate to what you're saying about things coming and you don't know when or how. I find too that when they DO come, they come in the most mundane, ordinary ways.
Did you know they're doing another motivational series of interviews likes this on Hay House this month? There's 25 interviews a week for the next 3 weeks. Deepak is on this week and my favorite inspirational author Mike Dooley. You should check it out, the site is http://www.hayhouseworldsummit.com. It's free too!
I love this post and sincerely appreciate you compiling your notes! I've been steadily gaining momentum with my blog and I needed to hear a lot of this. 🙂
So glad you enjoyed the Manifesting with the Masters summit and my interview with Jen! Hope you've been able to carve out some time to set intentions and align so that life can flow in the direction you prefer. Loved your take-aways, Jessica!!
Jessica Dimas
Lanaaaaaa, my queen! That was the best set of interviews, I loved them so much, especially yours. I've followed you ever since and you've inspired me in so many ways. I just love the way you're so full of positive energy and love for yourself. You rock!
Dana Robinson
I've been a lost soul at 55 but I'm in for big changes 100 degree turn & tug a war w/ doubt the doubt,progress slow but will come, it's never to late .this was enlightening thank you !
Jessica Dimas
So inspiring Dana, and I'm happy for you. Big changes are exciting, it's definitely never too late. I'm glad you enjoyed the post!
What a beautiful post to come accross at a time when I feel the same every single day. Thanks so much for motivating. Lots of love?
The last few months I've started to walk in some of the things God has for my life. I was very excited but I released the steam to early and started to doubt myself. Also, I know that I was created for a special purpose. Everything I've learned about myself should be shared. I haven't been excited since I let out that steam. But tonight I want to start praying over God's plans for my life. Thanks for sharing this!
Truly one of the best blog posts I have read today. Everything is truly in alignment with questions I have, with my goals and with the choices I am making now. Best best thing ever
Thank you for compiling this
Kate Findley
Wow, this was super helpful! I've heard of visualization, but a lot of your pointers I'd never heard before like "doubt the doubt," which helped to put it into a new perspective. Also, that's so true about keeping good ideas to yourself; when I tell others, I do feel like it gets deflated!
Christine Foucault
LOVED this <3 It reminded me a lot of the book YOU are a BADASS by Jen Sincero, I recommend reading it if you haven't already!
It's so true that you have to have the belief in yourself. Doubting yourself will prolong the process. I am agreeing with you about putting in the work too! It's important to take action into manifesting what you want in life and there are signs if one pays attention! Thank you for your article! 🙂
Teya // TLM Blog
Awesome post! I love how you talked about keeping new ideas to yourself for a little while! I totally feel that! In the past, I've leaked the news too soon and any momentum I had was snuffed out by other people's negative take aways. I didn't give myself enough to build a foundation for the new idea and it quickly crumbled.